要不是亚马逊搞了一个学 MIT 在线课程送 AWS 代金券的活动,我可能永远不会花 50 美金报名上一门讲创业的课。
Entrepreneurship 101这门课是为创业小白准备的。主要就围绕一个问题:当你有一个创业点子之后,接下来应该做什么。
废话不多说,直接上笔记(摘录的英文原文 + 我用中文写的总结体会):
Successful entrepreneurs must have extreme self-discipline, because they have few resources, no reputation, and a very finite amount of time in which to succeed.
Articulate the idea. Describe it. If you aren’t sure how, focus on answering these questions:
- What is the problem you want to solve?
- Who experiences that problem?
- How you want to solve that problem?
- Why this is a better solution?
And we’re going to do it with great focus, and deselect everything else and not get distracted.
我倒觉得追求 great focus 要分时候,在目标确定之前可以探索得广一些,一旦目标确定就不要再分心。
Now you’ll ask, what if AJ and NVbots chooses the wrong beachhead market?
What you want to do is if it’s going to fail, fail quickly, eliminate that option, and focus on the other ones that are higher potential.
Action will produce real data, and that data will tell you whether your beachhead market will or will not be viable.
Beachhead,就是海军抢滩登陆的时候首先要抢占的滩头阵地。只有先占住这个阵地,后续的战斗才好展开。连 beachhead 都拿不下,就没有然后了。
Beachhead market 是首先要进入的目标市场,如果实在拿不下,可能是你选错了目标,就赶紧换一个。所谓的专注,就是切忌同时追逐多个目标,逮一只兔子都要费好大力气,何况同时逮三只兔子。
> Start asking the following questions to characterize them. They fall into three broad categories -- demographics, motivation, and behavior.
Demographic questions would be questions such as the following: What’s their gender? What’s their age range? What’s their income range? What’s their geographic location?
Questions about motivation are, what motivates them? What do they fear most in the world? Who’s their hero?
Questions about behavior are, where do they go for vacation? Where do they go for dinner? Where do they go before work? What newspapers do they read? What websites? What TV shows do they watch? What are their watering holes?
- 自然划分(年龄,收入,地理位置)
- 动机(对什么深深着迷,对什么避之不及)
- 行为习惯(尤其是闲暇时间都干什么)
Specificity wins over generalities every day.
Because of that, if you just do a tops down, you’re very likely to overestimate your TAM, and you’re very likely to leave without some really clear understanding of the market.
Too much top down analysis makes you focus on spreadsheets, not customers, not real customers.
The best way to estimate TAM is to determine the number of end users that fit your end-user profile through a bottoms up analysis. We often call the bottoms up analysis counting noses, because you’re getting very specific.
TAM 是 Total Addressable Market 的缩写。如何估算你的目标市场规模?有人拿计算器摁几个数字就以为是答案了。我有个朋友曾经做了一个搜索类的产品,他说根据某机构发布的市场调研,人们用智能手机 20%多是用来搜索,如此高的比例,乘上智能手机用户总量的庞大基数,得出结论是这个市场无比巨大。其实只要看看身边的人是怎么用手机的,真有 20%是在搜索吗?
Generally, I recommend a TAM between $20 million and $100 million per year. A TAM over $1 billion raises red flags. Your beachhead market is either not specific enough, or there will be formidable barriers to entry.
如果远低于$20,000,000 这个数量怎么办呢?
So if you’re going into a beachhead market with a TAM of 0, or another very small TAM, you will need to know why you’re doing it.
An innovation driven business, need to attract cash from investors or other people, customers.
And if they attract it from investors, their founders will start to cede control of ownership. And control of it will pass over to the investors.
That’s not necessarily a problem but just a trade-off that you should know.
Some entrepreneurs are comfortable with less ownership and control while others are not.
There’s no right answer. You should decide what’s right for you.
But let me say, that if you want to build a great company, it’s hard to be in control it. There’s a saying by Noam Wasserman at Harvard and Matt Marx here, you can be in control, you can be king. Or you can get rich and have big impact. But it’s hard to be a rich king.
Your end-user profile tells you who your end users are, but your persona makes your target end-user tangible, unambiguous, and concrete. It is much easier to focus your mind on one person, then many people all at once.
The persona should be a real person, not a composite, not an abstract. It should be someone you know and you have interviewed in the context of your startup and you can remember.
我理解 persona 是一个个鲜活的具体的人,而 end-user profile 是他们的抽象。想了解你的用户,就从某一个具体的人开始。了解一个人,最好能面面俱到,一些看似无关紧要的事,比如爱看什么电视节目,喝什么饮品,穿什么衣服,看什么书玩什么游戏,手机的首屏有哪些应用,这些细节会给你一个更加丰满的用户画像,帮你找对感觉。
Steve Jobs once said, “I’m as proud of the things that we’ve done as the things that we have not done,” meaning he’s real proud of the things that he didn’t do.
You have to know what not to do, and the anti-persona can help you in that regard.
