
这几个月,每天都被 AI 的各种新闻轰炸,不光投弹量大,还时不时扔颗核弹,能把某个领域夷为平地的那种。所以如果想聊,还是很有的聊的,但我内心越来越倾向于闭嘴。


直到最近,看到孙燕姿谈及自己被 AI 一事,读完非常喜欢。我觉得可以借此来回答那个问题:在 AI 时代,我们该怎么办。


As my AI voice takes on a life of its own while I despair over my overhanging stomach and my children’s every damn thing, I can’t help but want to write something about it.

My fans have officially switched sides and accepted that I am indeed 冷门歌手 while my AI persona is the current hot property. I mean really, how do you fight with someone who is putting out new albums in the time span of minutes.

Whether it is ChatGPT or AI or whatever name you want to call it, this “thing” is now capable of mimicking and/or conjuring, unique and complicated content by processing a gazillion chunks of information while piecing and putting together in a most coherent manner the task being asked at hand. Wait a minute, isn’t that what humans do? The very task that we have always convinced ourselves; that the formation of thought or opinion is not replicable by robots, the very idea that this is beyond their league, is now the looming thing that will threaten thousands of human conjured jobs. Legal, medical, accountancy, and currently, singing a song.

You will protest, well I can tell the difference, there is no emotion or variance in tone/breath or whatever technical jargon you can come up with. Sorry to say, I suspect that this would be a very short term response.

Ironically, in no time at all, no human will be able to rise above that. No human will be able to have access to this amount of information AND make the right calls OR make the right mistakes (ok mayyyybe I’m jumping ahead). This new technology will be able to churn out what exactly EVERYTHING EVERYONE needs. As indie or as warped or as psychotic as you can get, there’s probably a unique content that could be created just for you. You are not special you are already predictable and also unfortunately malleable.

At this point, I feel like a popcorn eater with the best seat in the theatre. (Sidenote: Quite possibly in this case no tech is able to predict what it’s like to be me, except when this is published then ok it’s free for all). It’s like watching that movie that changed alot of our lives Everything Everywhere All At Once, except in this case, I don’t think it will be the idea of love that will save the day.

In this boundless sea of existence, where anything is possible, where nothing matters, I think it will be purity of thought, that being exactly who you are will be enough.

With this I fare thee well.


当我正在为自己日渐凸起的肚子和孩子们的日常琐事感到绝望时,AI 孙燕姿粉墨登场,于是我不禁想写点什么。

我的粉丝们已正式改换门庭,接受我就是一名冷门歌手的事实,而我的 A 角色成为了目前的顶流。我想说的是,你跟一个每几分钟就推出一张新专辑的人还有什么好争的。

无论是 ChatGPT 还是 AI 或者你想叫它什么名字,这个“东西”现在能够通过处理海量的信息,同时以最连贯的方式拼接组合手头的任务,来模仿和/或创造出独特而复杂的内容。等一下,人类不就是这样做的吗?之前我们一直坚信,思想或观点的形成是机器无法复制的任务,这超出了它们的能力范围,但现在它却赫然耸现并将威胁到成千上万个由人类创造的工作,比如法律、医学、会计等行业,以及目前我们正在谈论的,唱歌。






